Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wedding Dresses

A proper wedding dress box will be acid free (because the acid will break down the fabric and cause discoloration) and will also be pH neutral, because a box that is acid free without being neutral will likely have a reverse alkalinity which will cause the same kind of damage as not having a acid free box. The proper wedding dress box will also be solid with no viewing window, because a viewing window will let light in.
A proper wedding dress box will be acid free (because the acid will break down the fabric and cause discoloration) and will also be pH neutral, because a box that is acid free without being neutral will likely have a reverse alkalinity which will cause the same kind of damage as not having a acid free box. The proper wedding dress box will also be solid with no viewing window, because a viewing window will let light in.

While it may be good to help you get your dress from the store to the seamstress for alterations and to the cleaners after the wedding, using a plastic bag allows light to get to the dress which will break down the fabric and lead to discoloration. In addition to light, the bag will likely be more susceptible to moisture which can cause the dress to mildew and mold. As time goes on, the plastic bag will break down, whereas the proper dress box will stay intact. Chances are the plastic composition of the bag will also contain acids that will break down the fabric.
While it may be more cost effective to store your dress in a bag initially, in the end it will do more harm than good when you go to take out the dress in a few years to give to your daughter, friend, or other loved one to find it ruined with discoloration and weakened fabric.Save yourself potential heartbreak later and store your dress correctly with an acid free. This way you know your dress will be safe through it all and when it is time to renew those vows, you will be ready to go.

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